Last-Minute Tips for SEBI Grade A 2020-21.


SEBI or Securities and Exchange Board of India is known as a regulator for the securities market in India. It was founded in 1988 as a non-statutory body and is currently headed by Chairman Ajay Tyagi. SEBI is one of the highly reputed organizations and also is the most sought job in our country. It has released an official notification back in the month of March 2020 but the exam got postponed due to the pandemic COVID-19. When everything is now getting back on track, SEBI has announced the exam date for SEBI Grade A 2020 Phase 1 which is going to be held on January 17, 2021.

With only two days left for the SEBI Grade A Exam, we hope that you are ready for your D-Day!.

D-Day means a day when something major is going to happen. The term was first used during the Second World War when the Allies began their invasion of Europe by attacking the coast of northern France. That was their D-Day (6 June 1944).

After two days, you will have your D-Day!

10 months of waiting, preparing, practicing have bought you this. The D-Day for the SEBI Grade A exam on January 17, 2021.  Regardless of all the efforts so far, how well you perform on D-Day decides the next step. Being nervous is obvious but here are 7 points to keep in mind to bring your best on the D-Day.

Keep Calm

Calm mind resides in a calm body. Little nervousness is bound to come and being anxious now is completely obvious, but relax yourself. When you feel under pressure take a deep breath. Breathing is the power behind everything. A sip of water, also, sometimes helps in breaking the monotony and calming down the mind.

Don’t spend good money after bad money

Time is the key my friend! Suppose, you spend 2 minutes in a reasoning question and you realize you are not sure that you are going to solve it. Exit immediately, don’t be a salve to ‘commitment bias. Don’t waste rest of the time that can be used for solving other questions. Time is your best friend.

Take proper sleep before the exam day

Dangerous mistake committed by most of us is to study overnight before the exam day. No! No! No! Absolutely no. You need a fresh mind during the exam. Revise your notes but before the exam date take proper sleep, approximately 6 to 8 hours. It will be a decent, mind refreshing sleep for you. 

You can Download your SEBI Grade A 2020 Admit card from here.

Eat little before the exam

Anxiety urges hunger cravings. Eating too much before the exam is not a wise idea. After we eat the blood circulation increases towards the stomach for food digestion. We feel lazy as the blood circulation to the brain declines. Eat little to suppress your hunger but don’t flood yourself with food.

Use option elimination for intelligent guesses

In MCQ (multiple choice question) based exams, you can eliminate a few options in several questions. If you can eliminate 2 or more options than go for intelligent guessing and mark an answer. The negative marks are ¼ but by eliminating 2 options there is 1/3 probability of doing it correct. 

Pick the low hanging fruits

Not the fruits hanging out of the tree but for QRE (Quantitative, Reasoning and English) paper 1 you need to identify which are the questions you can solve quickly and correctly. They will ensure you get the minimum cut-off marks.

Be right the first time

Read the questions carefully and read perfectly in one go. You may take 4-5 seconds extra per question. If you read wrong in the first go, there is a very high chance that you will read the same again. Especially in paper 2 where you have enough time, no need to rush there. By reading questions and options carefully you can score very high on paper 2.

We trust that the guidance of ixamBee faculty members and FREE mock of ixamBee have been helpful in your journey of preparation. We, from TEAM ixamBee, wish you to perform your best on D-Day.

Best of luck for the exam.

Attempt full-length mock tests of the SEBI Grade A 2020. You can also attempt 1000+ Full-Length Free Mock Test here.

All the best for SEBI Grade A 2020.

Also Read:

7 Thursdays, 7 Steps for SEBI Grade A 2020: Step One

SEBI Grade A Preparation Strategy for Phase 1 (Paper 1 and Paper 2)

SEBI Grade A 2019 AIR 2: Success Story

Why SEBI Grade A Notification Holds Value

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