A Comprehensive Guide on How to Prepare for IBPS PO Interview


Welcome to the world of banking and the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Probationary Officers (IBPS PO) exam! Congratulations on successfully clearing the IBPS PO mains examination and progressing to the crucial next step – the interview round. With the IBPS PO Mains results out, it’s finally time to gear up and start preparing for the IBPS PO interview, which is scheduled to be held in February 2024.

The IBPS PO interview is a key stage in the selection process where candidates have the opportunity to showcase their overall personality, knowledge, and communication skills to a panel of experts. The interview is designed to assess various aspects of a candidate’s abilities and suitability for the role of a probationary officer in the banking sector.

Preparation is vital as it significantly increases the chances of success in this interview round. It provides candidates with the opportunity to refine their skills, gain confidence, and effectively convey their strengths and experiences to the interview panel.

In this journey towards your goal of becoming a probationary officer, we are here to support and guide you. Our aim is to assist you in your preparation with informative tips, relevant resources, and valuable insights to help you perform your best during the IBPS PO interview.

In this blog, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for the IBPS PO interview.

1. Understand the Interview Format 

Before starting the preparation, it is important to have a clear understanding of the interview format and and you can also refer to the IBPS PO exam pattern and syllabus. The IBPS PO interview generally lasts for 20-30 minutes, and the panel consists of 3-4 members. The interview questions can cover a wide range of topics including banking awareness, general knowledge, economics, current affairs, and personal questions to assess the candidate’s attitude and aptitude.

  • Panel Format: The IBPS PO Interview is usually conducted in a panel format, where a group of interviewers, consisting of bank officials and experts, ask questions to the candidates.
  • Duration: The duration of the IBPS PO Interview is generally around 15-20 minutes per candidate. However, the actual time may vary depending on the number of candidates being interviewed and the panel’s preference.
  • Assessment Parameters: The interview panel evaluates candidates based on various parameters such as communication skills, confidence, subject knowledge, problem-solving abilities, analytical skills, leadership qualities, and the ability to handle stress and pressure.

2. Improve Your Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are crucial for performing well in the IBPS PO interview. Candidates should focus on improving their verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Practice speaking in a confident and clear manner by participating in group discussions, mock interviews, and online forums. Pay attention to body language, eye contact, and gestures while answering questions.

  • Practice active listening to understand the speaker’s perspective and increase your comprehension skills.
  •  Enhance your vocabulary by expanding your word bank through reading books, articles, and regular conversation.
  •  Practice speaking aloud daily by recording and listening to your own voice or holding mock conversations with friends or family.
  • Use proper grammar, syntax, and sentence structure to convey your thoughts effectively.
  • Participate in public speaking forums, workshops, and events to enhance your public speaking ability.
  • Use body language effectively to express confidence, enthusiasm, and credibility in your communication.

3. Banking Awareness and Current Affairs

As the IBPS PO interview focuses on banking awareness and current affairs, candidates must stay updated with recent news and developments in the banking industry. Read newspapers, magazines, and online sources like Beepedia to stay informed about banking policies, financial institutions, and government initiatives related to the economy. Make sure to revise important banking terms, monetary policies, and government schemes.

Banking Awareness and Current Affairs are important topics for IBPS PO Interview. Here is a list of important ways to prepare and some sample questions:

Here are some sample questions related to Banking Awareness and Current Affairs:

  1. Explain the concept and impact of demonetization in India.
  2. What is the role of IBPS in the banking sector?
  3. What are Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)? How do they impact the banking system?
  4. What are the different types of bank accounts?
  5. Describe the features and benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana.
  6. What is the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy?
  7. Explain the Basel III norms and their significance for banks.
  8. Discuss the recent reforms taken by the government to promote digital payments in India.
  9. What is the impact of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the Indian economy?
  10. Explain the concept of inflation and its impact on the economy.

Remember to thoroughly understand the topics and to back your answers with relevant examples, data, and facts.

4. Brush Up on Your Finance and Economy Knowledge

Apart from banking awareness, candidates should have a good understanding of financial and economic concepts. Revise topics such as inflation, GDP, fiscal policy, monetary policy, financial markets, and banking regulation. Understand the impact of these concepts on the banking industry and the economy as a whole. This knowledge will help candidates tackle technical questions related to finance and economics during the interview.

5. Enroll in  IBPS PO Interviews Course

Enrolling in an IBPS PO Interviews Course can greatly enhance your preparation and increase your chances of success. With ixamBee comprehensive course, you can receive expert guidance and mentorship from experienced professionals in the banking industry. Our course covers all aspects of the interview process, including banking awareness, current affairs, personal questions, and mock interviews. By joining ixamBee’s IBPS PO Interviews Course, you can get a competitive edge, improve your interview skills, and ultimately secure your dream job in the banking sector.

6. Be Prepared for Personal Questions

In addition to technical questions, the IBPS PO interview panel may also ask personal questions to assess the candidate’s attitude, behavior, and decision-making skills. Be prepared to answer questions about your strengths, weaknesses, achievements, career goals, and reasons for choosing a career in banking. Practice answering such questions with confidence and honesty.

Points to prepare for personal questions in the IBPS PO interview:

  1. Self-Introduction: Prepare a concise and impressive self-introduction highlighting your education, work experience, achievements, and career goals.
  2. Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify your strengths and weaknesses and be prepared to discuss them confidently.
  3. Career Goals: Have a clear understanding of your career goals and aspirations in the banking sector.
  4. Professional Experience: Be ready to discuss your previous job roles, responsibilities, and achievements.
  5. Current Affairs: Stay updated with recent developments in the banking industry, government policies, and economic news.

7. Dress Professionally and Maintain Professional Etiquette

Appearances play a crucial role in creating a good first impression during the interview. Dress professionally in formal attire and maintain a well-groomed appearance. Arrive at the interview venue on time and be polite and respectful towards the panel members and other candidates. Practice good body language, maintain eye contact, and listen carefully to the questions before answering.

8. Stay Confident and Positive

Confidence is key to cracking the IBPS PO interview. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Do not get intimidated by the panel members or their questions. Stay positive, even if you make mistakes, and learn from them. Emphasize your strengths and highlight your achievements during the interview.

9. Improve Time Management Skills

Time management skills are important during the interview as well as in the banking industry. Practice answering questions within the allotted time frame. Avoid giving excessively long answers that may divert the panel’s attention. Be concise, yet informative, while answering questions. This will display your ability to communicate effectively in a limited time.

10. Stay Updated with Recent Interview Experiences

Lastly, keep yourself updated with recent interview experiences of candidates who have appeared for the IBPS PO interview in previous years. This will give you insights into the panel’s expectations, types of questions asked, and possible challenges. Online forums and social media platforms can be valuable sources to gather such information.


Preparing for the IBPS PO interview requires a well-rounded approach that includes improving communication skills, staying updated with banking and current affairs, practicing mock interviews, and maintaining professionalism. By following this comprehensive guide, candidates can enhance their chances of performing well and securing their dream job as a probationary officer in a leading bank. Good luck!

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