Padhey Bharat Abhiyan: A 100 Day Reading Campaign

Padhe Bharat Abhiyan

Padhe Bharat Abhiyan 2022

The Ministry of Education launched a ‘100 day reading campaign’ called Padhe Bharat on January 01, 2022. The new year was ringed in by the Education Ministry with this innovative and thoughtful gift for young children and potentially responsible citizens of the country. The Abhiyan has been launched with the intention of developing the habit of reading as well as the learning levels among children from a very young age. 

The Padhe Bharat Abhiyan was launched by the Union Education Minister Shri Dharmendra Pradhan on January 01. The campaign has been launched in line with the National Education Policy (2020) which also promotes the culture of ‘joyful’ reading among children by making sure that age-appropriate books are made available to the children for reading in their local/regional/tribal language. 

Padhe Bharat Campaign: Key Points

  • The ‘Padhe Bharat’ campaign will be organized for 14 weeks starting from January 01 till April 10, 2022
  • It will primarily focus on children studying in Balvatika to Grade 8.
Note:  Balvatika refers to the newly added ‘Pre-primary’ section in government schools.
  • The plan is to have one activity – per group – per week.
  • A weekly calendar of activities with respect to all age groups along with a detailed guideline on the ‘Reading Campaign’ has been shared with all the states and union territories.
  • The activities have been designed in a way that children can accomplish easily with the help of their teachers, parents, siblings etc.
  • With the view of making this initiative a successful and effective one, simple activities have been incorporated in the campaign.
  • Foundational Literacy & Numeracy Mission also finds its place in the aims and objectives of the ‘Reading campaign’.
  • International Mother Tongue Day has also been integrated with the Padhe Bharat Campaign in order to amalgamate the two major ideas of promoting the reading culture and our local languages/ mother tongue.

Read about some other important days on ixamBee’s blog page.

Objectives of the Padhe Bharat Campaign

The Union Education Minister Shri Dharmendra Pradhan announced this campaign with the view of developing children’s learning levels by inculcating the habit of reading in them. He also emphasized the importance of reading which can take young minds a long way in their future with constant and lifelong learning.  He also stressed the fact that the reading habit if inculcated at a young age can help in the children’s brain development and also can provide a favourable learning environment to them. A few major aims & objectives of this campaign are as follows:

  • Promoting the culture of reading at a young age while enjoying it at the same time.
  • Providing ‘age-appropriate’ reading materials to the children especially in their local/regional language.
  • To enhance the imagination of young minds.
  • Develop the critical thinking skills, ability to express and the vocabulary of the young students as well.
  • The campaign aims to receive participation on a state and national level including the teachers, parents, community members and educational institutions or administrators.
  • Support and encourage students in the direction of learning & reading themselves to a brighter future. 
  • To also promote the local/regional language and culture.

Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat

The Padhe Bharat Campaign should not be confused with another similarly titled initiative by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) ‘Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat’. This scheme was launched in 2018 on similar lines of the present campaign (Padhe Bharat) focusing on promoting the reading culture among children. 

Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat was launched under ‘Samagra Shiksha’. Under this initiative, an initial annual library grant was supposed to be given to primary – senior secondary levels which varied between Rs 5000 – Rs 20,000. 

International Mother Tongue Day

  • UNESCO had declared February 21 to be celebrated as International Mother Tongue Day in the year 1999. 
  • It aims at promoting & preserving the mother languages across the world.
  • This day also commemorates the long struggles of Bangladesh to protect its mother tongue- Bangla.
  • This particular resolution to mark February 21 as International Mother Tongue Day was put forward by Rafiqul Islam who was a Bangladeshi living in Canada. 
  • The reason behind choosing this particular date was to observe the killings that happened in 1952 in Dhaka during the Bangla Language Movement.

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