List of Nuclear Power Plants in India [Updated]


India generates electricity from Thermal, Hydro, Wind, Solar, and Nuclear Energy. It is the third-largest producer after China and the United States of America, and the sixth-largest consumer of electricity in the world. Most of the electricity consumed in India is generated from Thermal power (Around 65%), Hydropower (22%), Nuclear power (3%) and rest of the energy it gets from Solar, Wind, Biomass, etc. (around 10%). In this article, I will talk about Nuclear Power plants in India and will list down some of the nuclear power industries.

Nuclear is the 5th largest source of electricity and has a total installed capacity of 6480 MW. There are currently 22 Nuclear Power reactors (According to 2016 Survey) out of which seven are in operation. These operational Nuclear power plants produced a total of 35 TWh. It also contributes 3.22% of Indian electricity.

Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) is a public sector enterprise under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), GOI, is the governing body for the operation of Nuclear Power plants in India. Tarapur Atomic power station, Maharashtra with a capacity of 150MW, is the First Nuclear Power plant in India. its construction began in 1961 whereas it was commissioned on October 28, 1969. The largest amount of Nuclear energy in the world is produced by France (Around 75%).

Some Important Nuclear Power plants in India:

Tarapur Power Station- Maharashtra:

With a production of 1400MW, Tarapur Atomic Power station is one of the oldest (Operational) power stations in India. It started its operation in the year 1969. The station is located in Tarapur city of state Maharashtra. This plant was built with an agreement between the USA and the International Atomic Energy Agency. It was proposed to build 210MW capacity but due to some technical difficulties was reduced to 160MW. After 1969, two more reactors were built in 2005 and 2006 with a capacity of 540MW each by L&T and Gammon India respectively.

Kudankulam Atomic Power Station-Tamil Nadu

Kudankulam Atomic Power Station is the largest Power Plant in India. It is located in Kudankulam village of Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu.  This power plant started operating in the year 2013. Build with the help of Russia, this power plant has a capacity to produce 2000MW electricity (from two Reactors). Another two reactors were proposed to build on February 17, 2016, and they started operating in April 2016. Now the power plant generates electricity of 4000 MW.

Kakrapur Nuclear Power Station-Gujarat

Kakrapur power Station began its operation on May 06, 1993, with one reactor of a total capacity of 220MW. It was joined by the second reactor of the capacity of 220MW on September 01, 1995. It is extended to produce an additional 1400 MW with the help of another two reactors, which are yet to begin its operation. It is located in Vyra city in the Gujarat State of India. This atomic power station uses heavy water as the moderator for the reactor. It is known to be one of the best heavy water using reactors in India.

Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant-Karnataka

Kaiga Nuclear power Plant is located near the river Kali in Uttar Kannada district of Karnataka. Kaiga Nuclear power Plant consists of a total of four units of the nuclear reactors. Each of the reactors has a capacity of 220 MW, collectively generates 880MW electricity. The main fuel that is used in this station is indigenous uranium. The fourth Reactor joined the station in the year 2010. The electricity generated from this station supplies to Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Pondicherry.

Here is the list of Nuclear power plants operated in India

Operational Nuclear Power Plants in India 

S.No Name of the Power Plant State Total Capacity in MW
1 Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Tamil Nadu 2,000
2 Narora Atomic Power Station Uttar Pradesh 440
3 Madras Atomic Power Station Tamil Nadu 440
4 Rajasthan Atomic Power Station Rajasthan 1,180
5 Tarapur Atomic Power Station Maharashtra 1,400
6 Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant Karnataka 880
7 Kakrapar Atomic Power Station Gujarat 440

Under Construction Nuclear Power plants in India

S.No Name of the Power Plant State Total Capacity in MW
1 Kakrapar Unit 3 & 4 Power Plant Gujarat 1,200
2 Madras (Kalpakkam) Power Plant Tamil Nadu 500
3 Rajasthan Unit 7 & 8 Power Plant Rajasthan 1,200
4 Kudankulam Power Plant Tamil Nadu 2,000

Planned Projects of Nuclear Power Plants in India

S.No Name of the Power Plant State Total Capacity in MW
1 Chutka Power Plant Madhya Pradesh 1,400
2 Kovvada Power Plant Andhra Pradesh 6,600
3 Tarapur Power Plant Maharashtra 300
4 Mithi Virdi Power Plant Gujarat 6,600
5 Gorakhpur Power Plant Haryana 2,800
6 Bhimpur Power Plant Madhya Pradesh 2,800
7 Mahi Banswara Rajasthan 2,800
8 Kaiga Power Plant Karnataka 1,400
9 Haripur Power Plant West Bengal 6,600
10 Madras Power Plant Tamil Nadu 1,200
11 Jaitapur Power Plant Maharashtra 9,900

This was the list of Nuclear power plants in India that will be helpful for all the upcoming competitive exams of SSC CGL, LIC AAO, SBI Clerk and RBI Assistant etc. In my next article, I will provide the List of Thermal Power plants in India which is also one of the important topics from exam point of view.

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