Banking Awareness: Importance of Banking Awareness in Bank PO Exams


The banking sector is the backbone of the development of Indian Economy. Banks form an important bridge between the haves and the have not’s. Hence it is quite obvious that to become a government employee, one has to have a strong understanding and awareness about the overall banking scenario of India. Banking Awareness plays a vital role while preparing for Bank PO exams such as IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO, SBI Clerk, SBI PO, and many more exams. You are assessed on the basis of your knowledge about Current Affairs, Important Banking Terms, and Indian Banking & Financial Policies.

To help you in preparation for Banking Awareness, ixamBee has launched PIB Weekly Capsule and Banking Awareness Weekly Capsule. These capsules are prepared by our experts by curating and crunching the news into exam friendly notes. These handy notes will be helpful in preparation for not only Bank PO exams but also any competitive exam.


Let us look at what PIB Weekly Capsule and Banking Awareness Capsule offer:

PIB Weekly Capsule

The Press Information Bureau (PIB) is a nodal agency of Government of India as well as a portal for Union Government communications. A lot of useful information on government plans, policies, programme initiatives, and achievements is published by PIB which is very important from any banking exam point of view. As a banking aspirant it will be very difficult for you to go through ample amount of data available on PIB website, hence this weekly PIB compilation will be very useful in the preparation of any competitive exam. Our experts prepare PIB current affairs by encapsulating the comprehensive news, available on PIB website, into exam friendly notes. 

Click here to check PIB Weekly Capsules

Why is PIB Weekly Capsules important?

  • ixamBee’s PIB compilation will not only be useful for General Awareness but also for Economic and Social Issues subject as well. This is also very helpful for Interviews.
  • PIB weekly capsule covers the news that has been published on PIB website for that particular week. PIB weekly capsule contains news on Ministries, the President’s Office, the Prime Minister’s Office or the NITI Aayog. All data provided in PIB Weekly Capsule has authentic data and is a reliable source of information in the form of a weekly compilation.
  • Instead of going through PIB website and read through immense information available there, you can refer to this comprehensive yet crisp weekly PIB capsule, and be updated with the PIB news.

Banking Awareness Capsule: 

Banking Awareness (BA) Capsule prepared by our experts will be very useful for any competitive exams you are preparing for. Banking Awareness weekly capsule is prepared in a very comprehensive way which you can read and go through at your convenience. This Weekly PDF consists of all current affairs related to the banking industry and will help you stay updated with the ongoing affairs and hence will help you in scoring high in the General Awareness section of any exam.

Click Here for Banking Awareness Weekly Capsule 

Why is Banking Awareness Weekly Capsule important?

  • The Banking Awareness Weekly Capsule consists of all the important news related to Banking, Economy, and Finance for that particular week.
  • All data provided in the Banking Awareness Weekly Capsule carries authentic data and is a reliable source of information in the form of a weekly compilation.
  • Banking Awareness capsule will save a lot of time of yours as instead of reading and searching at various sources for Banking, Finance, and Economy related news, you can refer to one comprehensive compilation.
  • Banking Awareness Weekly Capsule will not only be useful for General Awareness but also for Economic and Social Issues subject as well.
  • Banking Awareness weekly Capsule will not only be helpful from the written exam point of view but from interview point of view also.
  • Banking Awareness Weekly Capsules, along with PIB and GK Weekly Capsule will be an alternate to Newspaper reading.

PIB Weekly Capsule along with Banking awareness and GK Weekly capsule notes covers all the information pertaining to Current Affairs/ General Awareness required for any exam preparation and can be an alternative to newspaper reading. Stay tuned to our PIB and Banking Awareness pages and be updated with the current affairs.

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