With deposit insurance coverage of Rs5 lakh per depositor per bank, there were 247.8 crore fully protected accounts at end-March 2021, constituting 98.1 per cent of the total number of accounts (252.6 crore). This is much higher than the international benchmark of 80 per cent. In terms of amount, the total insured deposits (Rs 76.2 lakh crore) as at end-March 2021 constituted 50.9 per cent (up from about 30 per cent under Rs 1 lakh cover) of the total assessable deposits (Rs 149.7 lakh crore) as against the international benchmark of 20-30 per cent,” stated the Economic Survey 2021-22.
_________ is a part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) which aims to skill rural youths (15-35 years) into an economically independent and ...
The value of nutrient index for medium or average fertility soil is?
Double fertilization in plants could be explained as :
The change in chromosome number that involves the entire set, either by the loss or gain of one or more entire sets of chromosomes, is referred to as:
Deficiency of which element in soil cause chlorosis in plant
Match List I with List II
Match the herbicides in List I with their rate of application in List II