Law of diminishing return was proposed by :
The mixture of breeding lines having the same genetic constitution, but differing at a specific locus is known as
A bacteria which have a large number of flagella all over the cell is categorized in:
Trichogramma chilonis is used for the control of
Maize is one of the most versatile emerging crops having wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic conditions. Which type of crop is it?
What term is used to describe the arrangement of primary xylem in roots where protoxylem is towards the periphery and metaxylem is towards the center?
Saline alkali soils have
The approximate distance between the sun and the earth is
Piglet Anaemia is a hypochromic-microcytic anaemia generally associated with young, rapidly growing piglets. Piglet Anaemia is caused by?
Water required to meet the demands of evapotranspiration (ET) and the metabolic activities of the plants together known as