‘Kresek’ symptom is a characteristic symptom of which disease of rice?
As per Census 2011, there are about 263 million agricultural workers in India. Out of this, women percentage is how much ?
Percent of Nitrogen content present in Calcium nitrate and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate respectively is:
Actual evapotranspiration equals maximum evaporation (ETO) when
A. Soil mixture not constraint
B. Other factors not constraint
<...The inflorescence of sugarcane is known as ____
Weeds which are very short lived by nature are called:
T.N. was conferred _____________ times with Krishi Karman award in 7 years for commendable performance in increasing production and productivity of var...
Vegetables play a very important role in Human nutrition. Vegetables are mostly of which nature?
What is the High-volume spray fluid quantity?
Silver shoot in rice produced by gall midge is the modification of