Divide 297 into two parts such that one may be to the other as 2:9.
Sum of ratio terms = 2 + 9 = 11 [if gte msEquation 12]>
The advanced facility would offer an open work environment and ecosystem of ___________ collaboration.
We may need to ______________ your excellent diplomacy skills in this meeting.
Given below is a sentence with one blank in each. Below each sentence are given four words among which one word might fill the blank. If none of the w...
The dark clouds indicate a dust storm ________ outside.
Which preposition can fill in the following sentence?
Have you ever been to a concert _____ your favorite band?
The Fenian element was with him, as he admitted, but the clergy were against him, and the odds ____________ too great, especially against a Protestant p...
The Industries Minister has been ________________ efforts to explore the possibilities of marketing a diverse range of _______________ products under a ...
It’s easy to be ………… , but difficult to ………………
The team decided to _______ after realizing their initial approach wasn’t working as planned.
_______ you leave now, you will be late.