Komal and Vineet invested Rs 3100 and Rs.x in a business. After 4 months, Komal added Rs 900 while Vineet withdrew Rs 400. After a year out of a total profit of Rs.36,081, Vineet received Rs 17,100. Find the amount invested by Vineet at the starting of business?
Ratio of shares of Komal and Vineet = 3100 × 4 + 4000 × 8 : x × 4 + (x - 400) × 8 = 11100 : (3x - 800) So, (3x - 800)/(11100 + 3x - 800) × 36081 = 17100 x = Rs.3600
Soil water is lost from the soil surface and from the rooting zone of the plant by the following respectively
Groundnut seed contains ___ oil and ___ protein.
How much more percentage of plant accommodates by Hexagonal system as compared to square system?
Indian institute of millet research, to be supported as the centre of excellence for ‘shree anna’ located in_____
In a pea flower five petals are arranged in a specialised manner with one posterior, two lateral and two anterior. These are named as and respectively
Which of the following statements is/are true?
Statement A: Green manure refers to the practice of growing and incorporating specific crops into ...
The term pegging is concerned to which crop?
Protein content of soybean grain is
Factors affecting international product planning is ...................................?
Ocimum sanctum belongs to the family