LCM of 48, 72 and 108 = 432 Largest number of five digit =99,999 When we divide 99,999 by 432, we get 207 as remainder Required number = 99,999 – 207= 99,792
Which of the following is not considered for maintaining Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) by Scheduled Commercial Banks?
What is the maximum one can deposit in the Sukanya Samriddhi Account?
Which of the following types of risks are not covered in BASEL II/III
Which is correct step by step process of risk management:
Which of the following is a method of measuring the loss in the value of the portfolio over a given period and for a distribution of historic return?
Under the Basel III guidelines, it is advised to create a countercyclical capital buffer of 0-2.5%. Which of the following is not true about this buffer?
Liquidity is the ability to accommodate ______ in liability and _____ in assets.
Given that the money discount rate is 19% and Inflation is 12%, what will be the real rate of interest?
_______ measures banking sector’s ability to absorb shock arising from financial and economic stress.
Which of the following is not a type of pension plan in India?