Contracting out services in a virtually unregulated and largely commercial private system is fraught with risks.
Statements: R ≥ S > T; U < V ≤ T; V > W
I. R > V
II. W < S
III. T > W
Statements: S @ O, O & E, E $ K, K # C
Conclusions: I. S @ K II. K @ O III. C @ E
...Which of the following expressions will be true if the given expression ′S > T ≥ U < V < W′ is definitely true?
Statement- 1 - 6#≥9#≥10#≤5#
2 - 7*≤10#˃5*≥6*
1) 7* > 6*
2) 6* > 7*
3) 6# ≤ 5#<...
Statements: Z > R = K ≥ X = N ≥ Q, F < B ≤ Q
I. X ≥ F
II. B ≤ K
III. R > F
Statements: Q ≥ R > U; R ≤ S; U ≥ B
Conclusions: I. U < Q II. S > B
...Relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. Find if the conclusions also follow or not.
Statements: J ≥ Q = W ≥ D <...
Statement: A = B ≥ C ≥ D < E < F ≥ G; D > H
I. H ≥ G
II. A > H
...Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces, respectively ( in the same order from left to right ) in order to complete the give...
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given two conclusions is /are definitely true and the...