
Match List I with List II

Match the mode of action in List I with the herbicides in List II

List I

List II

Mode of action


A. Cell division disruption

I. Fluazifop-p-butyl

B. ALS inhibition

II. Glyphosate

C. ACCase inhibition

III. Dinitroaniline

D. EPSP synthase

IV. Sulfonyl ureas

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

A A-II, B IV, C-III, D-I Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B A-II, B IV, C- I, D-III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C A-III, B I, C-IV, D-II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D A-III, B IV, C- I, D-II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


Dinitroaniline cause disruption in cell division, ALS inhibition is caused sulfonylureaseas, ACCase inhibition is caused by Fluazifop-p-butyl and Glyphosate cause inhibition of EPSP synthase

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