Clot-on- boiling test (COB test), Lactometer test, Alcohol test, Acidity Test, Fat content, and Sediment are the platform test used for quality assessment of received raw milk.
Portrait and Landscape are:
It refers to how fast the disk or memory can locate and begin retrieving a specific piece of information or transfer data to the CPU.
Which of the following features of a word processor enables you to automatically move to the next line when you fill a line with text completely?
The part of the CPU that accesses and decodes program instructions, and coordinates the flow of data among various system component is the
Which of the following options is not related to MS Office?
Examples of fax machines and imaging systems fall under the category of:
Device having the largest storage capacity is:-
Which memory type has the smallest storage capacity in the memory hierarchy?
Which type of computer chips are said to be volatile?
Which application software is uses rows and columns of data to perform calculations on ?