The portfolio's total risk is measured by the standard deviation of returns of the portfolio. It consists of systematic plus unsystematic risk. Systematic risk is the risk of the market that affects all investments while unsystematic risk is investment specific. Unsystematic risk can be managed by creating a well diversified portfolio. Unique risk is diversifiable and is unsystematic. Market risk (systematic risk) is a non-diversifiable risk.
Which organization has been recognized as the top private engineering college in India for 2024?
Who has been appointed as the Chairman and Managing Director of BPCL?
Which state in India has established its first HIV-1 viral load laboratory?
Indian Navy successfully tests BrahMos Missile. Which country has a joint venture with BrahMos Aerospace India?
The Government of India has approved a plan to establish ______ new multipurpose Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) / dairy / fishery primary ...
Recently which public sector petroleum company would invest Rs 740.2 crore in raising the capacity of its Digboi Refinery in Assam from 0.65 million ton...
What achievement did the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) secure in the grievance redressal assessment index (GRAI) for the year 2023-24?
Which state is known for the folk dance 'Dhamyal'?
Which one of the following organization has approved a USD 47 million financial support to the Indian Government for the Mission Karmayogi, a national p...
The government is planning to sell a part of its holding in state-owned Indian Railway Finance Corp (IRFC) through an offer for sale (OFS) in the curren...