Missing Sentence Question & Answer

How to solve Missing Sentence questions?

Like ordering paragraphs, to put missing sentences into a text is a crucial part of your Verbal Ability preparations to ace exams like SBI, RBI, NABARD, IBPS RRB, SEBI, SSC, Railways and other state level competitive exams. To find missing sentences looks like a detective hunting for clues in MCQ type questions.


Let’s take a look at an example of “missing sentences” MCQ question

It was completely quiet on the streets outside. Guy thought it was strange. _________ Now they were completely empty. The snow that had fallen looked like a carpet. Outside looked like inside.

  • Usually, the streets had people sleeping on the streets
  • Out of nowhere, a man came hustling down the streets
  • Usually these streets were full of busy people
  • None of these

Correct Answer: C

TIps to Ace ‘Missing Sentences’ type of Questions:

These tips will help you think with clarity and approach these type of MCQs and other related Questions & Answers with the right strategy:

  • Read each of the text's omitted sentences.
  • Read the material and fill in the gaps you are certain of by matching the sentences.
  • Carefully read the sentences before and after the pause. These sentences and the omitted sentence will always be connected in some way.


Look for reference words in Missing Sentence Questions and Answers. What do they refer to? Typical reference words in MCQs include:

  • personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
  • possessive pronouns (my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs)
  • demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those)


  • Check for discourse indicators like additionally, but, thus, then, etc.
  • Leave it out and move on to the next sentence if you are unsure of which one should put in the void.
  • Write down both solutions if you believe there are two sentences that could fill a particular gap before checking again.
  • List every potential solution for each gap. The rest of your responses could be impacted if you start off with the incorrect answer.
  • The text need not be read sequentially. You can navigate back and forth between paragraphs.
  • You may not need some of the extra sentences. But keep in mind that the right missing sentence will always have a connection to the text.


  • Recently, there has been a growing recognition of its value as an art form.
  • Many city councils complain about the high cost of cleaning graffiti off buildings, buses and trains. In some countries, councils have tried to encourage artists not to paint randomly on walls by allowing them to work in designated areas. In Taiwan, there are 'graffiti zones' where artists are free to paint and write on walls. ________
  • In Sao Paulo in Brazil, the city council has even allowed some graffiti artists to paint on the city’s subway trains.

Correct Option:B

  • This depends on your point of view, but in many countries, writing or painting on public or private property is considered vandalism.
  • But is graffiti art or vandalism? ________ Many street artists have been stopped by the police and some have had to pay fines.
  • She defended street artists, saying 'artists who paint on the street are merely expressing themselves, not hurting anyone. They should be appreciated and celebrated'.

Correct Option: A

How solving missing sentence MCQ questions on ixamBee can help you out?

Missing sentences along with jumbled paragraphs, phrasal verbs, reading comprehension, rearrangement, sentence improvement & correction make a key section of verbal ability and English Language MCQ test syllabus in various government exams. It is easily one of the best platforms to practice MCQs of various formats in Verbal Ability

Ixambee’s one-stop-test-preparation materials and expert guidance make it really useful for aspirants like you to ace the verbal ability questions and answers exam with ease, no matter what stage of preparation you are at. 

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