Apple's Time Capsule makes backing up data from Mac computers a seamless process.
In 2020-21, exports of agriculture and allied products from India grew by ……………per cent over the previous year.
...What will be the cropping intensity of maize + urdbean - wheat rotation on 2 ha area?
Citrus cracking is due to
In which year did the ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (ICAR-NBSS & LUP) categorize India into different Agro-Ecological region...
FMD vaccine is given to sheep at an interval of ?
Tensiometer was first Used for scheduling irrigation by
Seed vield of irrigated Italian millet is ___________ qtls/ha.
What is the meaning of the word "Chrysanthemum," as derived from its etymology?
FSSAI has constituted ………………..Standard Review Groups for various vertical group of commodities.
Algae are further classified into different classes based on which of the following characteristics?