NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Exam 2025, Notification And Other Exam Details

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    NABARD Grade A Highlights 2025

    The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) provides an excellent opportunity for the aspirants through the recruitment of Assistant Managers in Grade 'A.' This comprises various services, including the Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS), Rajbhasha Service, and Protocol & Security Service (P&SS). The Rajbhasha Service under NABARD Grade A Exam is a great opportunity for those who meet the eligibility criteria and have a keen interest in this field.

    The much-anticipated NABARD Grade A exam notification is yet to be announced for the 2025 recruitment cycle. Since the current exam cycle is just coming to an end, aspirants need to be on high alert and take a close look at the details of the current recruitment cycle for all the basic details. The NABARD Grade A recruitment has two vacancies for NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Officers in the onging exam cycle. The online applications for the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Officer post will commence during a deadline that will be made available in the notification once it is released. Prospective candidates are advised to refer to previous year's papers and exam analyses for the Rajbhasha Service to gain insights and stay well-prepared Prior to filling out the application form, a thorough review of the notification and all relevant details is recommended to ensure readiness for the examination. Aspirants can find detailed information about the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha officer recruitment for an overall understanding of the process. Stay tuned for updates and announcements regarding future opportunities in this domain. 

    NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Highlights 2024

    Conducting AuthorityNational Bank For Agriculture and Rural Development
    NABARD Website
    Name of the Posts Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ (Rajbhasha)
    Mode of application Online
    Stages of Exam Three Stages-
    • Preliminary Exam (8 sections)
    • Mains Exam
    • Psychometric Test (Mandatory)
    • Interview
    Maximum marks & Time duration
    • Preliminary Examination - 200 marks, 120 minutes
    • Main Examination (Rajbhasha Post)-
      • • Paper 1 (General English (Online Descriptive))- 100 marks, 1 hour 30 minutes
      • • Paper 2 (Stream Specific Paper (Objective & Descriptive Type))- 100 marks, 2 hours
    • Psychometric Test (MCQ based) - 90 minutes
    • Interview - 50 Marks
    NABARD Grade A 2024 Exam Notification July 27, 2024
    Online Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges July 27, 2024 to August 15, 2024
    NABARD Grade A Phase I (Preliminary) – Online Examination September 01, 2024
    NABARD Grade A Phase I (Preliminary) – Online Exam Result (list of roll no. of short listed candidates for phase-II)
    NABARD Grade A Phase II (Mains) – Online Examination October 20, 2024
    Number of Vacancies 2
    Download NABARD Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ (RDBS/Rajbhasha) Notification [PDF]

    NABARD Grade A Vacancy

    According to the ongoing NABARD Grade A Notification, there are 2 vacancies for the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Officer posts. The number of vacancies for 2025 will be made available when the notificiation is released. In the current exam cycle,  one Rajbhasha vacancy is for the Unreserved category candidates and the other NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha vacancy is for candidates from the ST category. For details of vacancies within the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha, candidates can refer to the provided table.

    Sr. No.POST / DISCIPLINENo. of Vacancies
    I Assistant Manager (RDBS)
    1 General 23# 7 3 12 5 50 7@@
    2 Chartered Accountant 2 1 1 4
    3 Finance 3 1* 1* 1 1 7
    4 Computer/ Information Technology 9 1 1 5 16
    5 Agriculture 1 1 2
    6 Animal Husbandry 1 1 2
    7 Fisheries 1 1
    8 Food Processing 1 1
    9 Forestry 1 1 2
    10 Plantation & Horticulture 1 1
    11 Geo Informatics 1 1
    12 Development Management 1 1 1 3
    13 Statistics 1 1 2
    14 Civil Engineering 1 2 3
    15 Electrical Engineering 1 1
    16 Environmental Engineering/Science 1 1 2
    17 Human Resource Management 1 1 2
    Asst Manager (RDBS) Total 45 10 10 26 9 100
    II AM (Rajbhasha) 1 1* 2 1$
    Grand Total 46 11 10 26 9 102  
    @@ Category (a) -01, Category (b) – 02* (includes-01 backlog vacancy), Category (c) –01 and Category (d) &(e) – 03* (includes- 02 backlog vacancy)
    # Includes 02 vacancies EWS unfilled last year
    * Includes Backlog vacancy
    $ Includes 01 LD backlog vacancy

    NABARD Grade A Exam Dates

    With the release fo the NABARD Grade A notification comes the NABARD Grade A exam dates. According to the NABARD Grade A notification the online registration for all the NABARD Grade A posts will start from the deadline time which will be made clear in the notification when it is released. Be sure to review the table below to get details about NABARD Grade A exam dates and plan your preparation accordingly. 

    NABARD Grade A Exam Dates 2024

    EventsExam Dates
    NABARD Grade A 2024 Exam Notification July 27, 2024
    Online Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges July 27, 2024 to August 15, 2024
    NABARD Grade A Phase I (Preliminary) – Online Examination September 01, 2024
    NABARD Grade A Phase I (Preliminary) – Online Exam Result (list of roll no. of short listed candidates for phase-II)
    Download NABARD Assistant Manager in Grade 'A Call Letter For Phase II (Main) Online Examination
    NABARD Grade A Phase II (Mains) – Online Examination October 20, 2024
    Download NABARD Assistant Manager in Grade 'A Result For Phase II (Main) Online Examination

    NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern

    The selection process for NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha is structured in four phases. In Phase 1, the sections are categorized into two groups: a qualifying section and a merit section. To qualify for Phase 2, which is the Mains stage, candidates must achieve a qualifying score in the merit section. From 2024 onwards, candidates will also have to give a Psychometric Test which is Phase 3. The Psychometric Test is mandatory to give with the Mains exam. Only candidates who give the Psychometric Test with the Mains paper will be considered for shortlisting for the Interview. The Psychometric Test does not hold any marks in the overall selection process but is still mandatory. 

    The scores attained in the Mains exam will play a crucial role in the subsequent selection process. Those who qualify the Mains exam along with a confirmed Psychometric Test will then progress to the final Phase 4, the Interview. The NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha exam pattern is organized with this consideration in mind, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of candidates at different stages. Familiarizing oneself with this structured pattern is vital for candidates aspiring to succeed in the selection process. The structure of the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha exam pattern is as follows. 

    Preliminary Examination (Online Exam will consist of 8 sections)
    Main Examination will be online and will be a mix of MCQs and Descriptive Pattern
    Psychometric Test  

    NABARD Grade A Phase 1- Prelims Exam Pattern

    In Phase 1 of the NABARD Grade A exam, candidates will undergo an objective-type test designed to evaluate their knowledge and skills in various subjects. This phase aims to assess candidates across different sections through objective questions, allowing the examination process to analyze their aptitude and understanding of the relevant subjects comprehensively. Aspirants should be prepared for a range of topics covered in this phase, showcasing their proficiency in the specified subjects. Success in Phase 1 is essential as it serves as a qualifying stage for further stages in the NABARD Grade A selection process. The complete details of the NABARD Grade A Phase 1 exam pattern are as follows.

    Nature of Test Test NameNo. Of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime DurationLanguage
    Qualifying Quantitative Aptitude 20 20 Composite time of 120 minutes Bilingual – Hindi and English except test of English language
    Reasoning Ability 20 20
    Computer Knowledge 20 20
    English Language 30 30
    Decision Making 10 10
    Merit Based General Awareness 20 20
    Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India) 40 40
    Economic and Social Issues (with focus on Rural India) 40 40
    Total 200 200 2 Hours  


    The candidates for the Mains examination will be shortlisted based on the marks secured in the Merit Section only.

    For every wrong answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted from your total score.

    NABARD Grade A Phase 2- Mains Exam Pattern

    The NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Mains will be conducted online, featuring a mix of 'objective' and 'descriptive' papers. This phase comprises two papers. Paper 1 is an online descriptive test focusing on General English. Meanwhile, Paper 2 is stream-specific and includes both 'Objective' and 'Descriptive' tests. However, for the descriptive answers, candidates are required to type in Hindi using a keyboard. This approach in the Mains phase ensures a comprehensive evaluation of candidates' language skills, subject expertise, and ability to articulate their thoughts effectively. Aspirants should prepare for both objective and descriptive formats to perform well in this stage of the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha selection process. Look at the table below for more details.

    PaperName of TestPaper TypeNo. of QuestionsMarksDurationRemarks
    Paper 1 General English Online Descriptive 3 100 1 hours and 30 mintues (90 Minutes) Descriptive
    (Answer to be typed using keybord)
    Paper 2 Stream Specific Paper  Objective 30** 50 30 mintues  
    Descriptive 6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions [2 of 15 marks each (with difficulty level) and 2 of 10 marks each] 50 1 hours and 30 mintues (90 Minutes) Descriptive Answers to betyped using keyboard either
    in English or Hindi (Remington and Inscript keyboards)
    ** (Some questions carry 2 marks each and some questions carry 1 mark each)


    For every wrong answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted from your total score.

    There will be sectional and overall cut-offs.

    NABARD Grade A Interview

    Candidates who successfully qualify for NABARD Phase 2 or Mains by achieving a competitive score along with have given the Psychometric Test will progress to the final stage, which is the Interview. The selection for the Interview round will be in a ratio of 1:3, emphasizing a competitive approach. Only candidates who score above the minimum cut-off marks will be invited for the Interview round, ensuring a selective process based on merit. The Interview round carries a weightage of 50 marks, and candidates must showcase their communication skills, subject knowledge, and overall suitability for the Rajbhasha position in NABARD Grade A. Preparing thoroughly for the Interview is crucial for candidates aspiring to secure a position in the final selection.

    NABARD Grade A Syllabus

    Gathering comprehensive information about the exam is crucial before beginning on your preparation journey. Taking note of the syllabus should be among the initial steps once you've familiarized yourself with the exam pattern. Understanding the syllabus is important as it helps you formulate a well-structured preparation plan in advance. This knowledge not only guides you in covering all the necessary topics but also aids in optimizing your study time, enhancing overall productivity. A clear understanding of the syllabus ensures that your preparation is targeted and aligned with the specific areas assessed in the exam, contributing to a more effective and focused approach. Read the complete syllabus for NABARD Grade 'A' Rajbhasha below.

    NABARD Grade A Mains (Paper 1) Syllabus

    Find the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha syllabus details for Mains - Paper 1 which is a descriptive type from the table below.

    English (Writing Skills) Essay, Precis writing, Comprehension and Business/Office Correspondence.

    NABARD Grade A Mains Rajbhasha (Paper 2) Syllabus

    Refer to the table below for the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Paper 2 syllabus.

    राजभाषा अधिनियम राजभाषा नियम का संक्षिप्त नाम, विस्तार और प्रारम्भ, राजभाषा - संवैधानिक/वैधानिक प्रावधान, राजभाषा वर्गीकृत क्षेत्र, केन्द्रीय हिन्दी समिति , राजभाषा से संबन्धित पुरस्कार योजनाएँ, प्रमुख हिन्दी प्रकाशन,
    राजभाषा आयोग अनुच्छेद ,343 ,344, 345 , 348, भारत की प्रमुख भाषाएँ, संविधान में सम्मिलित भाषाएं, संविधान की आठवी अनुसूची का परिचय, हिन्दी और उसकी संवैधानिक स्थिति
    हिन्दी भाषा उपभाषाएँ ,बोली, लिपि, हिन्दी दिवस का परिचय, हिन्दी भाषा एवं साहित्य का संक्षिप्त इतिहास, हिन्दी भाषा मे अनुवाद, वाक्य एवं वर्तनी अशुद्धि, मुहावरे , लोकोक्तियाँ, हिन्दी व्याकरण का परिचय, (संज्ञा ,सर्वनाम , क्रिया , विशेषण ,पुरुष , वचन , लिंग ), पर्यायवाची , विलोम एवं अनेकार्थी शब्द , वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द, अनुवाद - शब्दों, वाक्यों, वाक्यांशों, और पैराग्राफ का अंग्रेज़ी से हिंदी और हिंदी से अंग्रेज़ी मे अनुवाद

    NABARD Grade A Important Books

    Once you acquaint yourself with the knowledge of the complete syllabus for the NABARD Grade 'A' Rajbhasha exam, your next step should be to look for suitable study material. Books play a very important role in exam preparation and thus you should have the best books by your side. Refer to the books mentioned below for the Rajbhasha exam and ace the exam with flying colours.

    Rajbhasha संपूर्ण हिन्दी व्याकरण और रचना Lucent
    सामान्य हिन्दी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए lucent पब्लिकैशन
    सामान्य हिन्दी अग्रवाल ग्रुप ऑफ पब्लिकैशन
    सरल हिन्दी व्याकरण साहित्य भवन / पुष्पलता सिंह
    मानक हिन्दी व्याकरण एवं रचना सरस्वती पब्लिकैशन / कमल सत्यर्थी
    राजभाषा हिन्दी डॉ भोलानाथ तिवारी
    हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ल
    हिन्दी शब्द सामर्थ्य कैलाश चंद्र भाटिया
    राजभाषा भारती E Book
    हिन्दी मासिक पत्र पत्रिकाएं
    • हँस ( अक्षर प्रकाशन )
    • संस्कृति ( प्रभात पब्लिकैशन )
    • साहित्य अमृत ( प्रभात पब्लिकैशन )
    नोट: हिन्दी राजभाषा से संबंधित विषयों पर अधिक जानकारी हेतु का अध्ययन आवेश्यक है ।

    NABARD Grade A Eligibility Criteria

    For the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha stream, you must possess the following educational qualifications mentioned in the table below.

    Understanding and confirming eligibility early on not only aids in avoiding potential disqualifications but also enables candidates to make informed decisions about their application. It sets the foundation for a smoother and more focused preparation, ensuring that efforts are aligned with the specific requirements of the exam. Aspirants should prioritize clarity on eligibility criteria as a fundamental step before proceeding with the application process.

    Check the complete details of the NABARD Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha) eligibility criteria from the table given below.

    NABARD Grade A Age Criteria

    In addition to the educational criteria, sticking to the specified age criteria is equally important when applying for the NABARD Grade 'A' Assistant Manager post. NABARD typically outlines specific age requirements to ensure that candidates fall within a certain age bracket deemed suitable for the position. Aspirants should carefully review and confirm their eligibility based on the stipulated age limits mentioned in the official notification.

    Ensuring compliance with the age criteria is essential for a smooth application process and to avoid any issues during subsequent stages of the selection process. Being aware of and meeting the age requirements helps candidates align their application with the outlined guidelines and increases the likelihood of a successful application.

    A candidate should fall under the age limit as prescribed below.

    PostAge Criteria (July 01, 2024)
    Rajbhasha The candidate must be between 21 and 30 years of age as on 01-07-2024, i.e., the candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-07-1994 and not later than 01-07-2003.

    NABARD Grade A Age Relaxation

    Certainly, for candidates belonging to reserved categories, there is often a provision for age relaxation as per the government norms. This age relaxation is typically applied to the upper age limit, allowing candidates from reserved categories some flexibility in meeting the specified age criteria.

    Government regulations may vary, but common categories that are eligible for age relaxation include Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), ex-servicemen, and persons with disabilities (PWD). The extent of age relaxation is usually outlined in the official notification released by the exam conducting authority.

    Aspirants falling under reserved categories should carefully review the official notification to understand the specific details regarding age relaxation applicable to their category. This provision aims to ensure fair opportunities for candidates across diverse backgrounds.

    If you belong to any of the reserved categories and seek age relaxation, please look at the table below.

    Sr. No.CategoryAge relaxation
    1 Other Backward Classes (OBC) 3 Years
    2 Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 5 Years
    3 Ex-servicemen (including Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers) provided that the applicants have rendered at least five years continuous Military Service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical disability or have been released on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service or on invalidation 5 Years
    4 Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers who have completed their initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service but whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case, on selection, the Ministry of Defence issues certificates that they would be released within 03 months from the date of receipt of offer of appointment 5 Years
    4 Children/family members of victims died in the1984 riots. 5 Years
    5 Persons With Bench Mark Disabilities PwBD (General) 10 Years
    PwBD (OBC) 13 Years
    PwBD (SC/ ST) 15 Years

    NABARD Grade A How to Apply Online

    The online application process plays a very important role in preparing for a significant exam such as NABARD Grade A (Assistant Manager) in the Rajbhasha stream. This step is quite important as it sets the foundation for your entire examination journey. Paying careful attention to the details and accurately filling out the application form is essential to ensure a smooth and successful application. It's advisable to thoroughly read the instructions provided in the official notification and gather all necessary documents before initiating the online application. A well-executed application process enhances your chances of proceeding to subsequent stages of the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha examination. Therefore you should be fully aware of all the important details regarding the application and follow the step-by-step instructions given below.

    • Log on to the official website of NABARD, i.e.
    • Check out the ‘’ notices and look for the ‘Apply Online link
    • New registrants must click on the ‘Click here for New Registration’ tab and provide details such as full name, email ID and contact details
    • Registrants will receive a Provisional Registration Number and Password
    • Use these login credentials to complete the form by providing the correct details
    • Validate the details by selecting the ‘Validate your details and ‘Save & Next’ button
    • Upload the documents (Photo & Signature) taking care of the specifications
    • Verify for the last time before clicking on ‘Final Submit’. Select the ‘Payment’ tab to remit the application fee
    • Take a print of the application form and fee receipt for future use

    NABARD Grade A Application Fee

    Completing the online application for NABARD Grade A is contingent upon the payment of fees, which must be done through online mode. This final step is crucial to validate your application. Ensure you review the official notification for accurate details and instructions. The application fees vary based on categories, with specific details outlined for each. Be prepared with the requisite payment method to seamlessly complete the fee transaction. This comprehensive approach ensures that your application process is successfully finalized, allowing you to focus on your preparation for the upcoming NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha examination. The application fee details according to the various categories are as follows.

    CategoryApplication FeeIntimation ChargesTotal Fees
    For SC/ ST/ PWBD NIL Rs. 150 Rs.150*
    For all others 700 Rs. 150 Rs. 850*
    Staff @ @ @
    * Exclusive of applicable GST
    @ All NABARD employees satisfying the educational qualification criteria would be eligible to apply. They will be required to pay fee/intimation charges as indicated above at the time of online application, which will be reimbursed on submission of fee receipt only to those employees of NABARD (Staff Candidates) who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post. The status as staff candidate will be verified at the time of interview.

    NABARD Grade A Previous Year Cut-off

    To gauge the exam level and understand the preparation required, referring to the previous year cut-offs is beneficial. This provides a clear picture of the NABARD Grade A exam's difficulty and the level of preparation needed. Since the exam unfolds in three phases, knowing the cut-offs for each phase is crucial. Analyzing the previous year cut-offs aids aspirants in setting realistic goals and benchmarks, guiding their preparation strategy effectively. Stay informed about the cutoff trends to enhance your readiness for all stages of the NABARD Grade A examination and increase your chances of success. Check the last year cut-offs for NABARD Assistant Manager below.

    NABARD Grade A 2021 Cut Off -Prelims

    General 44.00 41.50 45.75 31.75 53.50 14.25 37.50 38.75 12.75
    Agriculture 31.50 28.00 40.75 29.00 46.25
    Agriculture Engineering 15.50 - 16.00 - 40.00
    Fisheries 23.00 -- 19.25 22.00
    Animal Husbandry 21.00 21.00 27.25
    Forestry 30.50 27.00
    Plantation/ Horticulture 14.75 21.50 24.75
    Land Development/ Soil Science 18.75 20.75
    Water Resources 15.50 36.25
    Finance 8.75 11.75 8.25 16.75
    Computer/ Information Technology 9.25 8.50 19.75 26.25
    Rajbhasha 10.25 - 23.50 22.50 -- --

    NABARD Grade A 2021 Cut Off -Prelims (Section wise)

    CategoryQualifying SectionMerit Section
    Unreserved and EWS 3.75 11.25 3.25 5.00 1.25 3.00 4.50 6.50
    OBC, ST, SC, PWBD 1.25 7.50 2.00 2.50 1.00 1.75 1.00 3.00

    NABARD Grade A 2021 Cut Off -Mains

    General 109.67 109.83 114.08 115.50 118.42
    Agriculture 116.83 116.75 124.67 122.33 127.92
    Agriculture Engineering 121.00 -- 127.33 -- 129.58
    Animal Husbandry 107-83 -- 120 114.92 134.50
    Fisheries 100.33 -- 104.33 -- 117.08
    Forestry 107.42 -- -- -- 120.25
    Plantation/ Horticulture 97.83 -- 110.83 90.75 112.67
    Land Development/ Soil Science -- -- 123.75 -- 130.08
    Water Resources -- -- 89.92 -- 121.75
    Finance 91.83 93.75 105.17 94.67 113.33
    Computer/ Information Technology 98.33 Considered under 
    UR Category
    109.25 103.00 112.58
    Rajbhasha 96 No candidate 
    Considered under 
    UR Category
    No candidate 

    NABARD Grade A Online Course

    The NABARD Grade A recruitment presents a fantastic opportunity for individuals aspiring to work in a prestigious organization like NABARD. Particularly for those eligible to apply for the Rajbhasha Service, ixamBee has introduced its NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Online Course. This specialized course is designed to provide a strategic direction to your preparation, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition. To excel in the examination, having a curated course that guides you comprehensively is essential. Enroll in this course to receive expert guidance and enhance your readiness for the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha examination. Beat the competition and position yourself for success.

    NABARD Grade A Preparation Strategy

    NABARD Grade Ais one such examination that is awaited by most aspirants as it is one of the most lucrative jobs existing in India today. Before starting out on making a preparation plan, it is extremely important to know the syllabus and then go about making a plan according to the time you are left with based on how much exactly you need to cover. After the syllabus, the most important step would be grabbing the best study material. Also, identifying your strengths and weaknesses is also extremely important when it comes to making a preparation strategy for yourself. Avoid following a fixed strategy and make one that suits you. There will not be any fixed defined set of preparation tips ever that may work, so you need to twist them accordingly. One most important points that should be kept in mind is that practice is what will eventually lead you to success. Practice as many NABARD Grade A mock tests as possible for the NABARD exam and make your preparation foolproof.

    NABARD Grade A Blogs

    You can refer to the below-mentioned blogs that have some useful information relevant to NABARD Grade ‘A’ Exam.

    Qualifying for NABARD 2024: 5 Expert Tips to Excel in the Exam

    Target NABARD Grade A 2024: A New Year Resolution

    NABARD Grade A 2024: Decision Making Syllabus and Preparation

    How To Prepare for NABARD Grade A Mains Exam

    NABARD Grade A Phase I - Free Mock Tests

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 3

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 3

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    • 200 Marks
    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 2

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 2

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    • 200 Marks
    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 1

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase 1 Mock Test 1

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    • 200 Marks
    NABARD Grade A and Grade B 2019 Prelims Mock Test 10

    NABARD Grade A and Grade B 2019 Prelims Mock Test 10

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions

    NABARD Grade A Phase I - Previous Year Question Paper

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase I Memory Based Paper(Shift 1)

    NABARD Grade A 2024 Phase I Memory Based Paper(Shift 1)

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    NABARD Grade A 2023 Phase I Shift 2 Previous Year Paper

    NABARD Grade A 2023 Phase I Shift 2 Previous Year Paper

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    NABARD Grade A 2023 Phase I Shift 1 Previous Year Paper

    NABARD Grade A 2023 Phase I Shift 1 Previous Year Paper

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions
    NABARD Grade A 2022 Phase I Memory Based Paper Shift II

    NABARD Grade A 2022 Phase I Memory Based Paper Shift II

    • 120 Minutes
    • 200 Questions

    Nabard Grade A Rajbhasha FAQs

    To be eligible for the NABARD Grade A finance specialist post a candidate must be an Indian citizen and between the ages of 21 and 30. They must also possess a bachelor's degree in English or Hindi medium with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subject with a minimum of 60% marks with a PG Diploma in Translation (minimum one year) in Hindi to English and vice-versa from any recognized University OR they must possess master's degree in HINDI with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate OR a master’s degree in ENGLISH with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate.
    To become a Rajbhasha officer in NABARD, candidates need to undergo the NABARD Grade A exam. The exam consists of three stages which are namely, prelims, mains and an interview. The prelims and mains are written exams. The final selection will be decided by the combined performance in the mains and interview rounds.
    The NABARD Rajbhasha Adhikari role is crucial for promoting official language use, likely Hindi, within the organization. Your responsibilities would involve translating official documents and policies, creating Hindi content, ensuring adherence to language policies, and potentially managing terminology used within NABARD.
    If you're interested in promoting Hindi within a financial institution, the NABARD Rajbhasha Adhikari position might be a good fit. Your day-to-day tasks could include translating official documents and policies, developing Hindi content for internal use, and ensuring everyone follows the organization's language guidelines.
    To be eligible for the exam of the Rajbhasha Adhikari within NABARD, the minimum age required is 21 and the maximum age is 30 years. So the age of a NABARD Rajbhasha Adhikari can be anywhere in between 21 and 30, based on when they give the exam and get selected.
    The official notification for NABARD Grade A 2025 has not been issued yet. Any new information about the exam notification will be communicated to the aspirants through the official website. Aspirants need to begin their preparation as the new notification will only be released after the current exam cycle is completely done.
    To be eligible for the NABARD Grade A exam, applicants from the unreserved category should have at least 60% marks in their graduation and fall within the age range of 21 to 30 years. However, different relaxations and conditions might apply based on individual circumstances. For a more detailed understanding of eligibility criteria, interested candidates can refer to the section above. It's important to check for any specific conditions or relaxations that may be applicable in their case to ensure accurate information regarding eligibility for the exam.
    There is no such limit on the number of attempts for NABARD Grade A exam 2024. A candidate can apply for the exam until he reaches the maximum age limit.
    Yes, NABARD Grade A is a government job. 99% of its stake belongs to the Government of India.
    To apply for the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha exam, you need to have a Bachelor's Degree from a recognized university in English or Hindi medium with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subject with a minimum of 60% marks (SC/ST/PWBD applicants – 55%) or equivalent in aggregate and a PG Diploma in Translation (minimum one year) in Hindi to English and vice-versa from any recognized University. For complete details, please visit the eligibility crtieria section.
    The NABARD Grade A selection process is extremely thorough. The selection is divided into four stages. These four phases are: Phase 1 (Prelims exam), Phase 2 (Mains exam), Phase 3 (Psychometric Test) and then followed by an Interview in the recruitment process for the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha exam.

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