Words and numbers both arrange among themselves only. That is, words can’t take the place of numbers and vice versa. For the arrangement of words, the basis is the no .of letters. That is, the one with the least no. of letters interchanges with the word at the leftmost position. If the no. of letters is equal, we follow the alphabetical order. For the arrangement of numbers, we have to put them in ascending order. That is, the least number interchanges with the number at the leftmost position. The change is made as and when we come across a word or a number, not necessarily alternately
Imperfectly developed female unable to reproduce
While complete biodegradation of metals is not feasible, the concept of ________ is considered a valid approach in effectively managing metal pollution.
____ is a specialized branch of horticulture, focuses on the scientific study, cultivation, and management of fruit-bearing plants. It involves understa...
In rice, 'Dee-geo-woo-gen' is a source of
Who is the present Agriculture Minister of India?
Deficiency of NITROGEN yellowing of leaf in a plant appears on __ ?
The unit of spectral energy fluence rate is
Crossing of the two different pair of alleles, having different traits is
For the process of cDNA synthesis, the eukaryotic ___ is used as the template for the generation of DNA.
Damaging stage of white grub is