It is clear that machine is arranging the words of the input neither on the basis of no. of letters in each word nor alphabetical nor change in position in a fixed pattern. But after a keen watch on the last step we find that the last letter of each word is in alphabetical order. Now, it can be found that the word whose last letter comes first in English alphabet becomes first and the rest shift one position rightward. Now the word with last letter just after the last letter of the arranged word as in English alphabet becomes second and the rest shift one position rightward and so on.
I. Â 2(x+2)+ 2(-x)=5
II. Â (1/(y+1)+ 1/(y+5))=(1/(y+2)+ Â 1/(y+4))
I. 8x² - 74x + 165 = 0
II. 15y² - 38y + 24 = 0
I. 35x² - 24x – 35 = 0
II. 72y² - 145y + 72 = 0
I. 7x² + 52x + 21 = 0
II. 6y² + 7y - 24 = 0
In each of these questions, two equations (I) and (II) are given.You have to solve both the equations and give answer Â
I. 3x² –7x + 4 = 0Â...
Equation 1: x² - 144x + 5184 = 0
Equation 2: y² - 130y + 4225 = 0
What is the average salary of 10 officers , if a clerk’s salary is Rs. 15,000?
Statement I: The total salary of 10 officers and 5 clerk is Rs...
I.√(3x-17)+ x=15
II. Â y+ Â 135/y=24Â
One of the roots of the equation p2Â - (y+3)p + 6y = 0 is cube of 2. What will be the difference of other root and 'y'.
I. 3y² - 20y + 25 = 0
II. 3x² - 8x + 5 = 0