Use the formula sum = Diff. in interest *100/Times*Diff. in rates x = 0.25% (on solving)
5000, 2000, 800, 320, 128, 52.2
23, 45, 115, 161, 270, 349
12, 27, 44, 68, 94
24, 36, 60, 108, 204, 404
1034, 2364, 4091, 6257, 9030, 12404
9256 6844 4888 3350 2152 1276
420, 380, 340, 300, 280, 220, 180
Direction: Find the wrong number in given number series.
958, 954, 981, 948, 1299, 1218
11 29 45 59 70 81
...975, 1050, 1125, 1200, 1275, 1325