Ist Step: Add and subtract the right most digits of all the numbers in one go and put a mark. 3 + 4 - 8 = 7- 8 is not possible, so borrow 1ten, then 17-8 = 9 It is 9 so we will write 9 and remember that we borrowed 1 ten. 9 IInd step: Add and subtract the next digit to the left of all the numbers i.e. 9 + 3 - 2 = 10 and minus 1 that we borrowed i.e. 9, so we will write 9. 9 9 IIIrd step: Add and subtract the next digit to the left of all the numbers i.e. 8 + 9 - 3 = 14 , so we will write 4 and again carry 1. 4 9 9 IVth step: Add and subtract the next digit to the left of all the numbers i.e. 7 + 8 - 5 = 10 and plus 1 that we carried i.e. 11. 1 1 4 9 9
चन्दन विष व्यापत नहीं लपटे रहत भुजंग में कवि ने ___________ प्...
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‘ सिंगार‘ का ‘तत्सम‘ शब्द हैः
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