•The National Investment and Manufacturing Zones are being conceived as giant industrial greenfield townships to promote world-class manufacturing activities. •The minimum size is 5000 hectares (50 square kilometres) wherein the processing area has to be at least 30%. •The central government will be responsible for bearing the cost of master planning, improving/providing external physical infrastructure linkages including rail, road, ports, airports and telecom, providing institutional infrastructure for productivity, skill development and the promotion of domestic and global investments. •The identification of land will be undertaken by state governments. State governments will be responsible for water requirement, power connectivity, physical infrastructure, utility linkages, environmental impact studies and bearing the cost of resettlement and rehabilitation packages for the owners of acquired land. The state government will also play a role in its acquisition if necessary. •In government, purchase preferences will be given to units in the national investment and manufacturing zones. •For financial year 2016-17, USD 0.515 million has been earmarked under the scheme for implementation of National Manufacturing Policy for 'Master planning of NIMZs and Technology acquisition & development fund.
Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word/ group of word augmentation as used in passage
Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
Choose the words which are most nearly the same in meaning to the words mentioned below.
Why weren’t the photo albums destroyed?
Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
What all ways have emerged in the post-modern times to present and amass all views ,keeping in view the freedom of expression ?
Where was the highest concentration of single-use and secondary plastic products found?
Choose the sentence/s that is/are true as per the passage.
I. Climate-induced migration is not a genuine occurrence; individuals are not compelle...
Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word ‘perennial’ as used in the passage.
Which one of the following words is the most opposite in meaning as the word ‘ compliance’ as used in the passage?