Lean System is an organized method for waste minimization without sacrificing productivity within a manufacturing system. Lean implementation emphasizes the importance of optimizing work flow through strategic operational procedures while minimizing waste and being adaptable. The characteristics of lean manufacturing are: · Zero waiting time · Zero inventory · Pull processing · Continuous flow of production and · Continuous finding ways of reducing process time Push system is not a principle in Lean manufacturing as push system means ‘make to stcok’ in which production is not based on actual demand which may lead to high inventory, higher overheads and over production.
Two of the more important diseases of potato whose spread in India has been successfully restricted through plant quarantine measures include
Production of coffee powder from coffee seeds is an example of?
The most suitable soil type for groundnut cultivation is _____
In delinting process, the ratio of concentrated sulphuric acid to cotton seed is:
Opaque 2 is associated with
Which of the following is an agronomic measure of erosion control?
For higher yield and better grain quality PR 124 and PR 126 transplanting should be done from
Enzyme bromelain is present in which fruit:
In conservation tillage, how much % area has to be covered with crop residues?
Light saturation point of C3 plant is______ than C4 plants