P. elaborated on the Q. crucial role of R. cactus in food S. and nutritional security
Adventitious embryony occurs in:
The soils of very cold climates which are defined as containing permafrost within two meters of the soil surface belongs to the order
Which farming method emphasizes the use of renewable resources and recycling, enriches the soil with nutrients found in waste products, and relies on na...
Globalization refers to:
The new sub scheme under PM Kisan Sampada Scheme which aims to build infrastructure, including pre-cooling, weighing, sorting, grading, and waxing f...
The word communication is derived from:
Which one the following element largely influence calcium metabolism in plants?
Which of the following statement is correct about Rouging?
___ test is used to see significant difference between the treatment means.
If pH of the soil is 8, EC is > 4 mmhos/cm and ESP is 12% then soil is said to be