Abbreviate- to shorten a word or words, or to make something shorter. Scant- barely sufficient or adequate. Kindle- arouse or inspire (an emotion or feeling). Siege- a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender.
FCI coordinates its functions through a country-wide network of offices with Headquarter in…………….
The full form of RKVY is
Which of following group of plant nutrients is as structural elements?
What management practice is recommended for controlling Papaya Ringspot Virus?
When a cross is made between offspring and its recessive parent, it is known as
What is the main objective of Pruning?
In plants, necrotic spots, abnormal dark green and light green mosaic, growth distortion, stunting, ring patterns etc. are symptoms of _____
Which type of fertilizer provides all three essential nutrients- Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium?
_____________________ is the prominent member of 1:1 type group in which one tetrahedral and one octahedral layer is present.
Which among the following is an example of bacteria that is used for pest control?