Controlled atmosphere storage consists of reducing the oxygen and increasing the carbon dioxide levels according to the ambient atmospheric conditions. However, sometimes it also deals with removing ethylene and adding carbon monoxide. All of these can be controlled.
If 35% of the mock tests sold of RBI Grade B Officer during August were sold at discount, how many mock tests of RBI Grade B Officer during that month w...
What is the ratio of the number of mock tests sold of SBI PO during December to those sold during July of the same exam?
Find the total cost of production of shoes by Puma and Adidas together?
What is the total cost of Production of Desktop by HP and Dell together?
What is the ratio of profit earned by selling Track suits by Reebok to that by selling Shoes by Puma?
Find the total profit earned by selling Track suits by New Balance and Nike.
What is the amount of profit earned by Reebok on Sneakers?
What is the total sales of Sports shoes by Fila and Woodland together in Rs crore?
What is the ratio of the cost of Production of Laptops by HP to the cost of Production of Desktop by the Samsung Company ?
What is the ratio of the total Sales of Sports shoes by Fila to the Sales of Sports shoes by Reebok?