None of the assumptions is implied.
Directions: In each of the following questions, a sentence is given with three words marked as (A), (B), and (C). These words may or may not be placed...
1. Santosh’s parents were affluent landowners who could afford to send their children to the best schools, even to the country’s capital, Ne...
Which of the following is the fifth sentence of the passage?
What maybe the possible meaning of the phrase ‘ Herculean task’ as mentioned in the above passage?
Water and pesticides(P)/ requires large amounts of(Q) Sugarcane cultivation(R)/, which can have a negative impact on the environment(S).
Which of the following statements is the final statement of the paragraph?
Which is the SIXTH (LAST) sentence of the paragraph?
1. The government of India has embarked
P. the people to choose their actual
Q. election in Jammu and Kashmir to allow
R. on a cons...
Which should be the second sentence after rearrangement?
In the question given below, rearrange the parts of the sentence in the correct order, and choose the correct option. If all the parts are arranged in t...