How words and numbers are arranged in the final step: Words are arranged in ascending order and numbers are arranged in descending order in the final step. What machine is doing in each step: In the first step one word is getting arranged from the left side in ascending order and in the second step one number is getting arranged from the left side in descending order and so on. Input: youth 39 stoke 47 hot flow 94 55 Step I: flow youth 39 stoke 47 hot 94 55 Step II: flow 94 youth 39 stoke 47 hot 55 Step III: flow 94 hot youth 39 stoke 47 55 Step IV: flow 94 hot 55 youth 39 stoke 47 Step V: flow 94 hot 55 stoke youth 39 47 Step VI: flow 94 hot 55 stoke 47 youth 39 Step 6this the last step So total 6 steps are needed to complete the rearrangement.
Which film earned Gulzar an Oscar Award for "Best Original Song" in 2009?
Software whose source code is available to users for modification and improvement is known as _______.
Which award was presented to Indian Odissi dancer Madhavi Mudgal in 1990?
Who was the first scientist to be awarded two Nobel Prizes?
Who is the inaugural recipient of the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar in 2024?
Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
Dr. Sandhaya Puricha received the Lacchu Maharaj Award for her contributions to which dance form?
Under the Green Strategic Partnership, which pair of countries initiated the Sustainable and Livelihood Consortium for Rural Advancement (SLCR)?
Who among the following was popularly known as ‘Frontier Gandhi’?
Who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2024?