Step 1: From the left end of the number, First and sixth digit is multiplied, then second and fifth digit is multiplied, then third and fourth digit is multiplied. Step 2: All the digits within the numbers are added. Step 3: In Step III, each number is multiplies by 2 and then subtracted by 1. Step 4: The Numbers obtained in step 3 is arranged in ascending order from left end to right end. Step 5: All the digits within the numbers are added. Input : 415276 851632 526137 145234 731269 369218 Step I: 24710 16156 3566 41210 63182 24618 Step II: 14 19 20 8 20 21 Step III: 27 37 39 15 39 41 Step IV: 15 27 37 39 39 41 Step V: 6 9 10 12 12 5
Who sits third to the right of the person, who likes Coca cola in the row arrangement?
Eight friends, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, are sitting in a straight line, all facing the north. F is sitting between D and G. B is sitting between H and...
How many persons sit between P and O?
How many persons sit between the one who works in company R and the one who works in company P, when counted from right of J?
D likes which of the colour?
Who sits immediate left of ZAHIR?
What is the position of E with respect to F?
Who among the following is third to the left of fifth from the right of Swati?
Who among the following person sits third to the left of the one who likes Yellow Colour?
How is R related to Q?