Cobbler : Leather: : Weaver : ?
‘Cobbler’ works on ‘leather’ similarly ‘Weaver’ works on ‘Cotton’
The recently released “Crime in India” report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has brought to light the disconcerting issue of missing wo...
The first state of India, which separated on Linguistic basis?
Valmiki Tiger Reserve (VTR), recently in the news for dead tigers, is located in which state?
Which of the following statements is/are true with respect to the latest payroll data released by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation?
Who took on the role of Secretary General of BIMSTEC for the next three years, beginning in January 2024?
Consider the following statements regarding Kisan credit cards (KCC):
I. It was introduced for providing adequate and timely credit support to th...
Which Indian has been ranked number 2 globally on the Brand Guardianship Index 2023?
Recently RailTel & WHO inaugurated Mobile Container Hospital at which of the following cities?
Which chain of hospitals has received approval from the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) to launch a health insurance bus...
What is the primary focus of the joint microwave remote sensing satellite, NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR), set to be launched by India and t...