I. 4 x ² - 4x + 1 = 0 (2 x – 1)² = 0 x =1/2 II. 4 y ² + 4 y + 1 = 0 (2 y + 1)² = 0 y = - 1/2 Hence, x > y
Stand up India scheme is to boost up the _______ entrepreneurs in India?
On which date was Haryana established as a separate state from Punjab?
Recently Supreme Court approved establishment of some special courts to prosecute criminal cases against legislators within a year. The number of courts...
Who founded the Pagal Panthis group?
Bikaner Camel Festival was recently organized in the state of:
Engineers India Limited (EIL) holds which distinction among public sector enterprises in India?
In which of the following states Ghumura is a folk dance?
Which country has recently been declared polio free by WHO
Who is organizing the intensive training program for Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Master Trainers in ...
The Iron Age Megalithic site 'Devarlabanda Mula' is located in which state of India?