
I. 24x² - 58x + 23 = 0

II. 20y² + 24y – 65 = 0

A x < y Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B x > y Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C x = y or no relationship cannot be established between x and y Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D x ≥ y Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
E x ≤ y Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


I. 24x² - 58x + 23 = 0 Pairs are -46,-12 Values after changing sign = 46, 12 & after dividing by 24(a) , final values of x = 1/2 , 23/12 II. 20y² + 24y – 65 = 0 Pairs are 50,-26

Values after changing sign = -50, 26
& after dividing by 20(a) , final values of y = - 5/2 , 13/10 Hence, no relationship cannot be established between x and y.

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