Ram sold a plot for Rs.4,00,000 at a 20% loss. For what price should he sell the plot to gain a 5% profit?
The correct answer is C
The examination of a witness by adverse party is?
Adult suffrage means-
Which of the following is NOT a mortgage?
Under Section 102 of CrPC who is authorized to seize stolen property?
Section 74 of the Contract Act lays down provisions relating to compensation for breach of contract where ______________
Under the Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act where a bank or a financial institution has to recover any debt from any person, it may make an applicati...
Fundamental duties are applicable only to_________________
Which of the following is not a duty of the buyer?
A proceeding instituted in a civil court by the presentation 'of a plaint is called' ___________
Who may obtain specific performance of a contract according to the provisions of Specific Relief Act?