The word 'COMPUTER' has 8 different letters. When the vowels OUE are always together, they can be supposed to form one letter. Then, we have to arrange the letters CMPTR (OUE). Now, 6 (5 + 1 = 6) letters can be arranged in 6! = 720 ways. The vowels (OUE) can be arranged among themselves in 3! = 6 ways. Required number of ways = (720 x 6) = 4320
Which of the following is a factor that affects the storage stability of food?
What is primary fundamental role of foodpackaging?
a) To preserve food quality and safety.
b) To reduce food waste.
c) To reduce fo...
The microbes, which can grow at high concentration of sugar, called
Cryodesiccation is also known as
The elements present in the carbohydrates are
Symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia may include all of the following except:
Which of the subsequent procedures is not a part of aseptic packaging?
Which protein is responsible for elasticity of wheat dough?
Match the Commodity in Group-1 with present Anti-nutritional factor in Group-2
Cardiac beri beri is caused by a deficiency of: