Reasonable Restrictions on freedom to assemble can be imposed
When a document is executed in several parts, each part is:
Counterparts of documents as against the parties who did not execute them are:
If A carries a badge of soldier in spite of not being a soldier he is punishable as per S. 140 with?
Waging war against the government is punishable at the following stages___________.
In case of a document 30 years old, Court_____________.
If the attesting witness denies the execution of a will______?
2 xerox copies of a will deed are ___________?
A preference shall be deemed to be given at a relevant time under the IBC if it is given to a related party, during the period of_______
A, being an officer directed by law to take property in execution, in order to satisfy a decree pronounced in Z's favour by a Court of Justice, knowing...