All of the above mentioned are applicable to persons and abolition of titles is applicable to non-citizens also. Only Freedom of trade and profession covered under Art. 19 is applicable to citizens. Art. 18. Abolition of titles.—( 1) No title, not being a military or academic distinction, shall be conferred by the State. (2) No citizen of India shall accept any title from any foreign State. (3) No person who is not a citizen of India shall, while he holds any office of profit or trust under the State, accept without the consent of the President any title from any foreign State. (4) No person holding any office of profit or trust under the State shall, without the consent of the President, accept any present, emolument, or office of any kind from or under any foreign State.
The best method of breeding to carry forward maximum number of genes to the advanced generations against the force of natural selection
Which of the following is not a rule made under National Food Security Act, 2013?
Magnesium is an important constituent of :
Lichens, the pioneer organisms that initiate ecological succession are actually a symbiotic association of
Which of the following is main objective of puddling in paddy?
Arachis hypogea L. is the botanical name of
Bluing of rose petal is due to:
Scientific name of Guava is _____
Which instrument is used to measure Relative Humidity accurately in their crop canopy?
An association between organisms of two different species in which one is inhibited or destroyed and the other is unaffected is called