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Axis Bank has categorised The Oriental Insurance Company to public category from promoter category shareholder in the bank. As per the shareholding pattern, The Oriental Insurance Co Ltd held 0.17 per cent stake in Axis Bank.
86 36 ? 7 7.5 0.75
800 400 600 1500 ? 23625
...Below given are 2 wrong number series.
Series I: 19, 30, 6, 45, – 11, 67
Series II: 141, 148, 223, 398, 723, 1248
I. The absolute...
22 39 58 81 ? 141
4 5 9 27 ? 723
...The following expressions form a series followed by a (?). Find the odd one out first and then find that what will come in place of the question mark (?...
2 5 16 65 326 ?
1 4 13 46 ? 976
...2120 1976 2097 1997 ? 2014
...16 9 ? 13.25 22.625 36.3125