
    In the following sentence, a part of the sentence is highlighted in bold. Below it, some options are suggested which may improve the highlighted part of the sentence, to make it meaningful and grammatically correct. Choose which of the following option(s) can successfully replace the highlighted part to make the sentence meaningful and grammatically correct. If the sentence is grammatically correct and requires no improvement, choose option (E), i.e. No improvement required.

    The RBI had announced its intense to come out with

    an official digital currency, in the face of proliferation of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin about which the Central bank has had many concerns. 1. The RBI had announced its intent to come out 2. The RBI had announced its intention to come out 3. The RBI had announced its intense to come on
    A Both 1 and 2 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Both 1 and 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 1, 2 and 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Only 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No improvement required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Here, the word ‘intense’ is inappropriate. Instead, ‘intent’ and ‘intention’ can be used.

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