
    The following question contains five parts out of which, four parts when unjumbled and joined together form a meaningful sentence. You have to find the sequence in which the four parts should be joined in order to form a meaningful sentence.

    A. riot invoking a miracle gone wrong B. a

    riot is no longer an act of production where C. an act of consumption where D. the narrative focusses on causes but E. a variety of narratives create a quilt patch we call history
    A CDEB Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B ADCB Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C BDAC Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D BDCE Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E DEAB Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    A riot is no longer an act of production where the narrative focusses on causes but an act of consumption where a variety of narratives create a quilt patch we call history. 

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