Solution: FDI there was a dual route of approval. The automatic route (governed by the RBI) and the government route (governed by the central government). the goal of liberalization was to make the economy more balanced and market-friendly. The efforts for liberalization and economic change were started in 1987 by trying to get rid of the License Raj prevailing in India at the time. Finally, the policies in 1991 began the process of economic liberalization. There was a lowering of tariffs and import taxes, promotion of private investment, an overall lowering of taxes, an increase in foreign investment and FDI, deregulation of markets, etc. Liberalization has been responsible for the economic growth of the country after 1991. There was the entry of many companies such as Pepsi, Volkswagen, Sony, Samsung, Toyota, Microsoft, HP, etc. post the liberalization reforms.
Brand managers can use Twitter strategically to accomplish all of the following, except:
As a step towards reducing our carbon footprint, the government recently made subsidies available to citizens who made their homes more energy-efficient...
Marketing research attempts to identify and define both marketing _____ and _______.
The market testing stage of the new-product process often involves test markets or purchase laboratories in which the variable to test is:
PixaBay allows consumers to download pictures for free or download it for a donation the consumer set themselves. This type of pricing is referred to as:
Consumers' ability to perceive taste differences in chocolate bars is an example of:
Which of the following is an example of non-store retailing?
According to marketing managers, each of the following is an example of a sales driver EXCEPT:
For marketers, the primary objective of coupons is to:
The United States is facing an ongoing trade dispute with China over the flooding of cheap electronics into the country. This dispute is likely to be re...