All actors are directors (A) + Some directors are dancers (I) ⇒ No conclusion. Hence conclusion I will not follow. Some directors are dancers (I) + All dancers are writers (A) ⇒ Some directors are writers (I) ⇒ Conversion ⇒ Some writers are directors. Hence, conclusion II will not follow. All actors are directors (A) ⇒ I.I ⇒ Some actors are directors (I). Hence conclusion III will not follow.
Etawah Pilot Project was launched under the leadership of
Latex vessels occurs in
Which category includes crops like coriander, cumin, and carrot based on taxonomy?
What is Nano Urea primarily used for in agriculture?
ICAR – National Institute of Abiotic Stress management is located at ____
Loose smut of wheat is caused by
Which of the following element is non-essential but useful for plants?
Weed index indicates
What is the primary objective in the cotton ginning process?
Volatile substance emitted by the ripening fruits is known as: