In a class of 10 boys and 7 girls Reshma’s rank is 8th from the front. If there are 4 boys and 2 girls between Reshma and Ram whose rank is 8th among boys, then find out Reshma’s rank among girls?
Note: All ranks to be counted from front.
Reshma’s rank is 8th from front. This means, seven students are ahead her and since total number of students = 17, 9 students are behind her. Now, Ram’s rank is 8th from the front among boys but since 8th in line is Reshma, Ram must be somewhere after Reshma in line. Number of students between Reshma and Ram = 6 (4 Boys and 2 girls). Thus, 8 students till Reshma (including Reshma) + 6 students = 14 students ahead of Ram. Thus, Ram’s rank is 15th from front. Between Reshma and Ram , number of boys = 4 Also, Ram is 8th among boys. Thus, total 7 boys are there in line till Ram, excluding Ram. 4 are between Reshma and Ram, thus remaining 3 are ahead of Reshma. Out of total 7 students ahead of Reshma, 3 are boys, thus 4 are girls. Hence, Reshma is 5th girl from front.
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