Payal lives in an even numbered Floor in Flat-B. One who speaks Marathi lives immediately below of Payal. Pallavi who speaks Kannada lives in Flat-A of an odd numbered floor. Pallavi lives south-west of Payal. Parul lives second to above Paridhi in Flat-B. Case-2 we get one more possibility Pooja speaks Hindi lives to the west of Parul Note: Case-2 gets rejected since Pooja speaks Hindi lives to the west of Parul is not possible. There is a gap of one Floor between the both who speaks Tamil & Punjabi and both of them live in an even numbered floor in Flat-A. Pavitri speaks Tamil and lives above the one who speaks Punjabi. Persons speaking Tamil and Bengali shared the same Floor The one who speaks Urdu lives north-east of Padma. Case-2-A gets eliminated since above said condition is possible. Finally, Pari lives in Flat-B of Floor-4 and Payal speaks English. FINAL ARRANGEMENT
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