Karan belongs to Rampur. Lalit belongs to Ghaziabad and born in the month having 31 days but not in May. Fareen belongs to Allahabad and born in June month. Rohit was born in August and he belongs to Meerut. Javeed belongs to Saharanpur and Nakul doesn’t belong to Bareilly. From above statements, All above information were given directly; by using we get the initial table as follows, Persons belong to Saharanpur and Bareilly were born in December. Paras and Nakul were born in same month. From above statements, Given, three persons were born in same month. Persons belong to Saharanpur and Bareilly were born in December. By using this statement, it is understood that the 3 persons were born in December month. Note: Total six months given in statement. Paras and Nakul were born in same month. Therefore, we conclude that both Paras and Nakul were born in December month. As per table, Paras belongs to Bareilly. Note: Given, Nakul doesn’t belong to Bareilly. By using this information, we get the following table, The one who belongs to Rampur was born in the month having 30 days after August but before December. The one who belongs to Kanpur was born in month having 31 days before June. The one who belongs to Lucknow was born in the month having less than 31 days. From above statements, Among given months February(31 days), May(31 days), June(30 days), August(31 days), October(30 days) and December(30 days). The one who belongs to Rampur was born in the month having 30 days after August but before December. Karan belongs to Rampur and he was born in October (30 days, only possibility as per condition) Given, Lalit was born in 31 days month but not in May. Then Lalit was born in February month (31 days month, only possibility) Note: Rohit was born in August month (31 days) Finally, Hemant was born in May month (only month is left among given) The one who belongs to Kanpur was born in month having 31 days before June. Hemant was born in May month (31 days & before June) and he belongs to Kanpur. The one who belongs to Lucknow was born in the month having less than 31 days. Finally, Nakul belongs to Lucknow and born in December (30 days) Thus we get the completed table as shown
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