Amitesh's anniversary in the month which has 30 days but not on the odd numbered date. Only three persons have anniversary between Amitesh and Arjun who is born on even numbered date but not in the month of July. Hence it is clear that Amitesh's Anniversary is on 12th September and Arjun's Anniversary is on 12th of May. Ashok and Amod have their anniversary in the month has 31 days. Amod does not have his anniversary before Ashok also both of them did not have their Anniversary in the month of May. Ashok’s anniversary is before Amod's Anniversary it is clear that Ashok and Amod have their anniversary in the month of July where Ashok's anniversary is on 12th July and Amod's anniversary is on 27th July. Only one person has his anniversary between Ashwani and Aniket. Aliya doesn't have his anniversary on the even numbered date. Aniket has his anniversary just after Aditya. Hence, Aniketis anniversary is on 27 November and Ashwani's anniversary is on 27th September As Aliya doesn't have his anniversary on even numbered date so Aliya's anniversary is on 27th may. Hence, Aniket and Aditya both have their anniversary in the month of November
Part IV A of the Indian Constitution deals with_________________
According to Section 36(2) of the Code on Wages, 2019, what happens if there is no available surplus for a particular accounting year?
_____________ shall conduct the entire corporate insolvency resolution process and manage the operations of the corporate debtor during the corporate in...
An agent ____________ personally enforce contracts entered into by him on behalf of his principal, nor is he personally bound by them
A proceeding for maintenance under S. 125 shall be made at:
Plaint shall state precisely the amount claimed in all money suits except amount for________.
Where a bill of exchange is drawn in a set of six, how many of them need to be proved?
Which Section of Indian Evidence Act is founded on the doctrine laid down in “Pickard v Sears”?
The term goods under the MSMED Act refer to ______________ as per the MSMED Act
Which Section (s) gives (s) protection to Judges and to those who carry out their orders against criminal process?