
This question consists of a pair of words which have a certain relationship to each other. Select the pair from the options which has the same relationship as the ones given below:

Bewilder : Confuse, Harmony : Concord

A Fierce : Gentle Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B Ponder : Contemplate Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C Docile : Defiant Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D Timid : Bold Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


The relationship between "Bewilder: Confuse" is that the first word represents a state of confusion or disorientation, while the second word is a synonym that describes the same state. Similarly, "Harmony: Concord" indicates a state of agreement or peaceful coexistence. Among the options provided:

  1. Fierce: Gentle - These are antonyms, representing opposite qualities.
  2. Ponder: Contemplate - These are synonyms, representing similar actions or mental processes.
  3. Docile: Defiant - These are antonyms, representing opposite behavioral tendencies.
  4. Timid: Bold - These are antonyms, representing opposite levels of courage or confidence.
Based on the relationships described, the pair with a similar relationship to "Bewilder: Confuse" is "Timid: Bold" in option 4.

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