How words are arranged in the final step: Words get arranged alphabetically from the middle. First word is at fifth position and opposite of this word is at sixth position. Next word is at fourth position and opposite of this word is at seventh position and so on. What machine is doing in each step: In the first step, one word is getting arranged from the left side alphabetically and opposite word is getting arranged from the right side. In each of the further steps, same procedure is followed as in the first step and words arranged is the previous step are shifting one place to their right and opposite words are shifting on place to their left alphabetically. INPUT : wrong far near practical happy weeping right laughing sad theoretical Step I: far wrong practical happy weeping right laughing sad theoretical near Step II: happy far wrong practical weeping right laughing theoretical near sad Step III :laughing happy far wrong practical right theoretical near sad weeping. Step IV: practical laughing happy far wrong right near sad weeping. theoretical Step V: right practical laughing happy far near sad weeping. theoretical wrong Hence, six steps are required to complete the rearrangement.
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