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It is clear that machine is arranging the words of the input neither on the basis of no. of letters in each word nor alphabetical nor change in position in a fixed pattern. But after a keen watch on the last step we find that the last letter of each word is in alphabetical order. Now, it can be found that the word whose last letter comes first in English alphabet becomes first and the rest shift one position rightward. Now the word with last letter just after the last letter of the arranged word as in English alphabet becomes second and the rest shift one position rightward and so on. Input: Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai is slowly fading. Step I: Naa Kaho Pyaar Hai is slowly fading. Step II: Naa fading Kaho Pyaar Hai is slowly Step III: Naa fading Hai Kaho Pyaar is slowly. Hence, step II is the penultimate step.
In the following questions two columns are given containing three Sentences/phrases each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the ...
Match Column I and Column II and choose the correct match from the given choice
Match the statements from column 1 with column 2 and find which of the following pair of statements given in the options make contextually and grammatic...