It is clear that machine is arranging the words of the input neither on the basis of no. of letters in each word nor alphabetical nor change in position in a fixed pattern. But after a keen watch on the last step we find that the last letter of each word is in alphabetical order. Now, it can be found that the word whose last letter comes first in English alphabet becomes first and the rest shift one position rightward. Now the word with last letter just after the last letter of the arranged word as in English alphabet becomes second and the rest shift one position rightward and so on. Input: Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai is slowly fading. Step I: Naa Kaho Pyaar Hai is slowly fading. Step II: Naa fading Kaho Pyaar Hai is slowly Step III: Naa fading Hai Kaho Pyaar is slowly. Hence, step II is the penultimate step.
If P's rank is eighth in the girls row. Q is twelfth from the bottom. If D is fourth from Q (when counted from bottom to top) and just in middle of P an...
There are five students S, T, U, V and W participating in a match. T gets lesser score than only U and S. V scores lesser than T and more than W. S does...
In a class of 24 students, Divya is sixth from the left and Rohan is three places to the right of Divya, and Amit is two places to the left of Rohan. Wh...
Sumit is ranked 54th from the top in his class. When counted from the bottom, he is ranked 56th. What is the total number of students in the class?
Among seven students D, E, F, G, H, I and J. I is heavier than J but lighter than G. F is heavier than E. D is the heaviest. E is fourth heaviest. H is ...
Ramesh is 18th from the right end in a row of 60 boys. What is his position from the left end?
How many persons write the book after R?
Six persons L, M, N, O, P and Q have different heights. O is shorter than N but taller than P. Q is the shortest, and M is just taller than N. L is not...
Five persons P, Q, R, S and T have different heights. T is taller than R but shorter than P. S is shorter than R but not the shortest. Who among the fo...
A is heavier than G. M is lighter than J. P is heavier than J but lighter than G. Who among them is heaviest?