No. of when Geography book are always together = 7! × 6! Total no. of ways when all the books are arranged without any condition = 12! No. of when Geography book are never together = 12! – (7! × 6!)
Cryogenics is a branch of Physics that deals with what?
A train runs along an unbanked circular track of radius of 10 m at speed of 36 km/h. The mass of the train is 16 kg.
What is the an...
An athlete can jump farther by running before jumping due to which type of inertia?
Consider the following two statements
(A) Kirchhoff's junction law follows from the conservation of charge.
(B) Kirchhoff's loop law follo...
If an agent does a work 'W' in time 't', then the power is given by:__________.
How does the angle of minimum deviation of a glass prism of refractive index 1.5 change, if it is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.25?
A porter lifts luggage of 20 kg from the ground and puts it on his head 2 m above the ground. Calculate the work done by him on the luggage (take g = 10...
The ratio of the total distance traveled by a body to the total time taken is its:
An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm in front of a double convex lens made of glass of refractive index 1.5. Both the radii of curvature of the le...
Cathode rays when obstructed by metal cause emission of -